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SJDL Jogger Joust

The event will take place for ALL students on one day,
February 21, 2025, on the Field of Dreams.

The primary purpose of our school Jog-a-Thon is to promote regular exercise and ongoing healthy lifestyles. This program also serves to help us raise much needed funds to help keep the integrity of a safe and secure campus including infrastructure improvements to our facilities.

Most of all, IT'S FUN for the kids! We encourage all the students to take part in a big or small way. No pledge amount is too small! Prizes are available for those who raise the most money and for the classes who have the best participation.  All donations are tax-deductible. For more information, please explore the links below.

Grand Prize - The Grand Prize will be awarded to the grade that has the highest average of funds raised (total amount raised in the grade divided by students in the grade) and has at least 80% participation. 

Pledges – A minimum total of $50.00 dollars in pledges per student would ensure we meet our fundraising goal. Any amount of pledge is very much appreciated!  

  • Pledges are due by February 16th to count toward the Grand Prize and Free Dress. 
  • Classes with 90% participation earn Free Dress on a date to be determined.
  • Joggers raising $150 or more in Pledges earn Free Dress on a date to be determined.


  • Registered Joggers wearing the 2024 Jogger Joust t-shirt will receive some tasty and fun treats after the race. 
  • 1st, 2nd and 3rd place boy and girl joggers in each grade (K-8) will receive special acknowledgments.
  •  Students are encouraged to bring their own full water bottles (with names on them) to the race to stay hydrated.


  • Deadline to purchase discounted pre-sale t-shirts for $20 is January 21, 2024.  Starting January18th, t-shirts sell for $25 each.  
  • T-shirt sizes and quantities are limited. For best selection of sizes, you are encouraged to purchase at pre-sale.
  • Students must participate in the run regardless if they register for the Jogger Joust unless they have a written medical excuse. Only those who run with the 2024 Jogger Joust shirts will have laps counted and are eligible for prizes. 
  • Please consider having your class (or your family) sponsor a teacher or administrator by purchasing a shirt for them via the Registration/T-shirt on-line form; you may also get families together to purchase a banner for your class.
  • T-shirts may be worn for PE class.
  • Though online purchase is preferred, shirts will also be on sale before school and upcoming announcements. Exact amount of cash or check required, no change can be provided. 

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